Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Zen wrapped in Karma dipped in chocolate.

Currently reading: I Am Not Myself These Days

Listening to: Lay Me Down- The Dirty Heads

The last month has been quite a whirlwind to say the least... Life in Hollywood moves fast, very fast. I love it though. Yes, I am saying it, I LOVE LA. This city has more to offer me than I could have imagined and in just a few short weeks here, my life has become something I even have a hard time recognizing. I am working as a set PA on a couple different shows, and enjoying every minute of it. What have I learned? The question is, what haven't I learned. Each day is a new adventure and a learning experience. I have finally mastered the walkie, and now know it is not okay to say more than 5 words on channel 1. I know how to change a battery in under 5 seconds, and can fly sides like its no ones business. I am always alert and am constantly paying attention to everything that is going on around me. I also learned that when someone does something nice for you, you don't fight them on it. You say thank you, move on, and return the favor some day.. Lets just say I will be returning a lot of favors in the future.

Although people are on a much faster pace down here, I am finding myself slowly but surely beginning to keep up, and it feels good. I have so much to be grateful for and am so fortunate to be where I am right now. I don't take one minute of it for granted. I try and venture to a different area of LA every weekend and am continuing to take as many pictures as I can. So far my favorite place is a small bookstore I found called Sam French Theater, every book in the store has to do with film. Can you believe it? And another store I really like is called Little Buddha, it just opened on Melrose and I have to be careful when I wonder in not to spend my whole paycheck at once.

I miss my friends and family but their support is almost tangible. I love them very much and being away has not been easy.. Kevin is here and he is wonderful, I don't know what I would do without him at this point, and I am not looking to find out anytime soon.

Lets just say life is good, no life is great. I will try and write more often, I want to keep track of everything I am doing and learning... Stay posted.


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